Logistics management and customer service in an industrial company in the food sector Lima 2021
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The objective of this research was to determine the relationship that exists between logistics management and customer service in an industrial company in the food sector in Lima 2021. Based on a deductive and hypothetical investigation, of an applied type, descriptive and correlational level, cross-sectional design, non-experimental and quantitative approach. The population was limited to 400 employees of the company in question and the sample was calculated with the finite population formula, yielding the figure of 197 people. The data collection technique was the survey and the instrument was a self-made questionnaire, the same one that was subjected to Cronbach's Alpha reliability.
After the field work, individual results were processed with SPSS software (for each question) and in the end all this was consolidated with scales. It should be noted that thanks to the Spearman's Rho statistician, the results obtained showed a relationship between the two variables. Therefore, it is concluded that there is a relationship between Logistics Management and customer service, just as there is a relationship between the dimensions of Logistics Management (Materials Management and Physical Distribution) with respect to Customer Service.
Keywords: Customer service, Company, Logistics management.
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