Economía & Negocios Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann es-ES Economía & Negocios 2708-6062 <p>Todos los documentos -salvo que se indique lo contrario- se publican bajo<a href="" target="_blank" rel="license noopener"> Licencia de Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional</a></p> <p>Los autores conservan los derechos de autor y ceden a la revista el derecho de primera publicación, con el trabajo registrado con la Licencia de Creative Commons. 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Puede hacerlo en cualquier forma razonable, pero no de forma tal que sugiera que usted o su uso tienen el apoyo de la licenciante.</p> <p><strong>No hay restricciones adicionales</strong> — No puede aplicar términos legales ni <a id="technological_measures_popup" class="helpLink" tabindex="0" title="" href="" data-original-title="">medidas tecnológicas que restrinjan legalmente a otras a hacer cualquier uso permitido por la licencia.</a></p> Strategic dimensions of sustainability and resilience in the supply chain of the Aptiv Company <p>This research analyzes the strategic dimensions of the Aptiv company's supply chain, as a model of optimal functioning in inventory management and supply flows that make it resilient and sustainable. The study has a qualitative approach, exploratory and descriptive, under a non-experimental design. The analytical method was developed for the review of scientific literature and the case study, following the principles of just-in-time and inventory management. The intervention model in professional practice, semi-structured interview techniques and the self-administered questionnaire were implemented. In conclusion, the social, environmental, quality industry and technological dimensions consolidate the supply chain, making it resilient and sustainable, through the application of strategies that optimize inventory management based on technology, experience and reinforced learning of the supply processes that allow a simple, friendly and resilient distribution, with environmental care and protection actions, as well as ethical and social responsibility strategies that strengthen governance and the relationship with its associated customers (Tier 2, Tier 3 and OEM); which is why the company not only permanently improves its sustainability strategy, but also provides continuity and monitoring of the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) to maintain the application of quality standards; therefore, from a governance perspective, they undergo external evaluation processes to make their economic, technological, social and environmental impact visible.</p> Patricia Carmina Inzunza Mejía Oracio Valenzuela-Valenzuela Dulce Livier Castro-Cuadras Carely Cecilia Cuevas López Copyright (c) 2024 Patricia Carmina Inzunza Mejía, Oracio Valenzuela-Valenzuela 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 6 1 03 23 10.33326/27086062.2024.1.1854 Social disequilibrium, distributive inequality and unemployment in Peru, 2004 - 2017 <p>The main objective of this paper is to contrast an extension of the hypothesis of the distributive imbalance theory formulated by Figueroa (1993, 2015). To achieve the objective, two indices were constructed; one that measures social disorder and another that measures distributive inequality. Then, the panel data econometric technique under random effects was used, having as empirical units of analysis the departments of Peru for the period 2004-2017. The results achieved in the present investigation show that a relationship between social disorder and the unemployment rate; as well as between distributive inequality and social imbalance, has empirical support and are in accordance with what is expected according to the formulations of the economic theory based on economic envy and the limits of tolerance to distributive inequality.</p> Eloy Ávalos Copyright (c) 2024 Eloy Ávalos 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 6 1 24 44 10.33326/27086062.2024.1.1842 Public investment and economic growth in the Lima region, 2007-2021 <p>The objective of the research was to determine the impact of public investment on economic growth in the Lima Region 2007-2021. The research is explanatory, indicating that it not only describes different scenarios, but also establishes a link between them. The research design is non-experimental and longitudinal. The method used was the statistical method that consists of collecting data, organizing it, presenting it, describing it and, in this case, making inferences about the results. The descriptive results obtained show that there has been a positive relationship between public investment, in its different dimensions, and time, that is, public investment increased with respect to the first year of research. According to the hypothesis tests carried out, it was possible to verify that there was a significant impact of public investment, in its different dimensions, on economic growth in the Lima region 2007-2021. The main conclusion of the study is that there is a significant impact of public investment on economic growth in the Lima Region, 2007-2021. Likewise, the impact of each of the dimensions of public investment with respect to the economic growth of the Lima Region was also significant in the period 2007-2021.</p> Álvaro Eduardo Gamio Pino Carlos Alberto Choquehuanca Saldarriaga Copyright (c) 2024 Álvaro Eduardo Gamio Pino 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 6 1 45 74 10.33326/27086062.2024.1.1814 Impact of Foncodes on rural enterprises that change lives in Peru <p>Today, governments see entrepreneurship as a means to promote the economic, social, productive and even cultural development of their countries, but despite the benefits of this trend, there are still many important challenges that must be overcome for the benefits of entrepreneurship to be truly sustainable and long-lasting (Jurado, 2022). This is the problem that Foncodes considers necessary to address: the limited access of subsistence families to local markets in densely populated rural Andean and jungle areas. The challenge is to overcome the underlying causes, namely limited technical knowledge of family production in rural areas, lack of capitalization of family assets, and poor knowledge of input and service markets and product destinations, through the creation of agricultural and non-agricultural enterprises in high mountain and jungle areas, managed by rural subsistence farmers, organized according to a basic implementation model and using Foncodes financial resources. From 2012 to August 2023, Foncodes financed 16,261 enterprises, with the amount financed being S/169,700,250. As main results, 97% of the implemented enterprises were operational and users in the jungle increased their income by 60.95% and those in the highlands by 72.08%, also 45.59% of ERI participate in expanded markets; allowing the generation and/or preservation of 63,273 family self-employment.</p> Edgard Enrique Wong Copaja Víctor Enrique Marengo Murga Manuel Nolazco Barraza Copyright (c) 2024 Edgard Enrique Wong Copaja, Víctor Enrique Marengo Murga, Manuel Nolazco Barraza 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 6 1 75 93 10.33326/27086062.2024.1.1832 The Analysis of work environment and culture on service productivity with knowledge management mediation in Serang City Health Centers <p>The research aims to assess how much influence the work environment, work culture, and knowledge management have on service productivity at the Serang City Health Center. The difference with previous research by other researchers is the addition of other variables, namely the work environment and knowledge management. The quantitative research method used in this research is quantitative research. As many as 431 ASN at the Puskesmas in Serang City constitute the population in this study. The number of samples was determined based on the Slovin method; a total of 95 people participated. Smart PLS was used to analyze the questionnaire data. It can be seen that the work environment has a significant effect on knowledge management as well as work culture. Work culture has a large effect on service productivity, while the work environment has a large effect on knowledge management. There is a substantial relationship between knowledge management and service productivity. Knowledge management shows a significant relationship between the work environment and service productivity. The work environment has a significant impact on service productivity, as does knowledge management.</p> Dewi Widaningsih E. Sutisna Tata Rustandi Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Widaningsih, Sutisna, Tata Rustandi 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 6 1 94 103 10.33326/27086062.2024.1.1620 Analysis of profitability in Colegios Peruanos SA that applies international financial reporting standards in the period 2019-2020 <p>Analyzing the profitability of a company is important because it will allow identifying the capacity it has to obtain profits or surpluses as a result of the management of its investments, also the power it has to fulfill its economic rights in the immediate future; the main objective of the study was to analyze the monetary profit of Colegios Peruanos SA, that apply international financial reporting standards (IFRS), in the period 2019-2020. The research is quantitative of cross-sectional descriptive scope and non-experimental design. The population analyzed was made up of the company's accounting reports for the year 2019 and 2020. The documentary analysis technique was used to collect the information and the instrument was data record cards to perform the diagnosis of the accounting reports and the calculation of performance ratios. In the result it was appreciated that the company has had a negative profit for the years 2019 and 2020 where it obtained: negative ROA (6.72%), negative ROE (29.41%), negative ROI (106.72%), and EBITDA margin (8.85%. The reasons were: first, because it is in the process of investment through the construction of new headquarters (it expects to reverse this situation in subsequent years) and second, the COVID-19 epidemic generated economic impact because the income from pensions and tuition decreased and the cost of sales increased specifically because more teaching and administrative staff was hired. Likewise, liabilities increased by 21.05% in 2020 and equity decreased by 22.73%.</p> Ana Cecilia Flores Ramirez Maryori Paullet Flores Ruiz Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Cecilia Flores Ramirez, Maryori Paullet Flores Ruiz 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 6 1 104 124 10.33326/27086062.2024.1.1593 Content marketing strategy and the relationship with the customer experience at “h sport café” in Bahía de Caráquez <p>Currently, restaurant businesses are looking for sustainability alternatives in the context of content marketing to achieve better economic results. The objective of this study was aimed at determining content marketing strategies based on reach and digital media to achieve higher levels of customer influx. The methodology used from the investigative order was quantitative, which contributed to the statistical analysis and interpretation of the object and field of investigative study, which through the descriptive analytical method allowed the generation of criteria that contributed to effective content decision-making. A survey consisting of 10 questions on the Likert scale was applied to a sample of 96 clients through non-probabilistic random sampling. The statistical software SPSS v.26 to process the survey whose confidence yielded the result .805 of Cronbach's alpha. Among the most relevant results, content marketing strategies strengthen the relationship with customers who frequent H Sport Café.</p> Dayanara Monserrathe Andrade Alvarado Jenny Carolina Herrera Bartolomé Copyright (c) 2024 Dayanara Andrade 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 6 1 125 136 10.33326/27086062.2024.1.1764 Yape, quality and satisfaction according to the service <p>Taking into account that globalization generates greater economic dynamism, banks must opt for new ways to keep their products in the market. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to describe the quality and satisfaction that the Yape digital application provides to the user and to know the relationship that exists between quality and satisfaction. The students of the fifth, seventh and ninth semester of the Professional School of Administration of the National University of San Agustín de Arequipa were considered as users. Students between 18 and 23 years of age were taken as a sample. IBM SPSS software was used in the Spearman method and Cronbach's alpha to determine data validation and reliability. The work was carried out under a descriptive method with a quantitative approach and correlational scope. The results show that quality and service are in a close and direct relationship. Because both complement each other. Furthermore, 98.7 % of the population sample agree or totally agree that the Yape digital application is easy to use, and its software design meets the needs presented. It is concluded that the hypothesis about the high satisfaction of university students of the Faculty of Administration towards the services provided by Yape is valid. It is worth mentioning that technology continues to develop, and it is essential to be flexible to change.</p> Yeni Leticia Machaca Vargas Ruth Idalia Tinta Tinta Valeria Nicolle Toni Hanccoccallo Hugo Efrain Aguilar Gonzales Copyright (c) 2024 Yeni Machaca, Ruth Idalia Tinta Tinta, Valeria Nicolle Toni Hanccoccallo, Hugo Efrain Aguilar Gonzales 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 6 1 137 151 10.33326/27086062.2024.1.1796 Competitive marketing strategies to improve the positioning of the local “H Sports Bar” in Bahía de Caráquez <p>Competitive marketing has become the most effective tool to achieve a better market share at the regional level. The objective of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of a competitive marketing strategy to improve the positioning of the H Sports Bar in Bahía de Caráquez. Under the quantitative context, the descriptive method was applied to develop a study that describes the facts based on the applied instruments. Among the most relevant results, they referred to taking into account bars as a source of entertainment, which can be seen with the objectivity with which bars are rated. Based on this, several strategies can be proposed to strengthen the image, and achieve the loyalty of potential clients. Among the strengths of H Sports bar are the market, loyalty and market segmentation, which is compared with another location to see what the strengths of each one are and thus improve the location. Therefore, the proposal was focused on the development of a website to strengthen the competitive positioning of the H Sports Bar in Bahía de Caráquez.</p> Frank Angel Lemoine Quintero Noelia Thaily Proaño Delgado Copyright (c) 2024 Frank Angel Lemoine Quintero, Noelia Thaily Proaño Delgado 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 6 1 152 169 10.33326/27086062.2024.1.1889 Control de existencias y su relación con la gestión rentable en una distribuidora de alimentos <p>This research analyzes the relationship between inventory control and the profitable management of the company D'Rose Concesiones E.I.R.L. in Arequipa in the year 2023. Regarding the methodology, the study has been quantitative and applied, in addition, it was decided to adopt a cross-sectional correlational level. The research consisted of a population of 50 individuals working in the entity, to whom a questionnaire was applied to gather information on the application of stock control and profitable management, this instrument was validated by expert judgment and its reliability was determined based on Cronbach's Alpha. In the results, it was found that the relationship between the variables is high and significant, therefore, the research hypothesis was accepted, since a Spearman's Rho value of 0.989 and a significance level of 0.000 were observed; additionally, a Spearman's coefficient value greater than 0.9 and a significance level of 0.000 were observed, which shows the strong and significant link between economic, financial and commercial profitability. To conclude, the research culminates with the confirmation of the relevance of an efficient stock control to optimize the profitable management in the company D'Rose Concesiones E.I.R.L, in addition, adopting such actions will bring about a correct stock storage and higher profitability.</p> Debbie Alissa Lima Amado Copyright (c) 2024 Debbie Alissa Lima Amado 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 6 1 170 181 10.33326/27086062.2024.1.1828 Inventory control and profitable management in footwear comercial mypes <p>This research analyzes inventory control and profitable management in footwear commercial MYPES. The objective was to identify the relationship between inventory control and profitable management in the footwear commercial mypes of Chimbote, Ancash, 2023. The research had a quantitative approach, applied type and non-experimental-cross-sectional and correlational design. The population was made up of all the collaborators in the administrative, accounting and logistics areas of these companies. For the sample, 40 collaborators from the aforementioned areas were selected. Non-probabilistic convenience sampling was applied. The technique used was the survey and the instrument was a questionnaire, which was validated by an expert judgment and went through a reliability test. The results showed that the level of inventory control was inefficient while the level of profitable management was efficient, according to the data analyzed. In the inferential analysis, a sig. bilateral value of 0.000 less than 0.005 and the values ​​of the correlation coefficient obtained were 0.750, 0.720, 0.680 and 0.700, which indicated that the variables have a high positive relationship. It was concluded that inventory control is significantly related to the profitable management of footwear commercial mypes, this responds to the fact that in practice control is essential to ensure that business operational management is carried out properly, generating an increase in cost effectiveness.</p> Guselly Stefany Zavaleta Castro Marjorie Mileny Zavaleta Castro Jhoansson Victor Manuel Quilia Valerio Copyright (c) 2024 GUSELLY ZAVALETA CASTRO, MARJORIE ZAVALETA CASTRO, JHOANSSON MANUEL QUILIA 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 6 1 182 194 10.33326/27086062.2024.1.1825