The impact of the United States veto to Huawei on Wall Street

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Andrea Carmen Lidia Ordinola Valdez


Objective: Describe the impact of the United States veto on the Chinese company Huawei and that has led to the decline in stock market indices on Wall Street. Method: It is a type of quantitative, explanatory causal investigation based on the quantification and statistical analysis of financial time series of financial assets that are listed on the Stock Exchange of the United States of America, in the period of the month of May 2019, focusing mainly on the fall of the stock indexes on Monday, May 20, 2019. Results: The selected sample was made up of eight representative companies, commercially related to the Huawei company, which are part of the Selective Index of the Stock Exchange of the United States of America, showing the relationship they have between them and the effects they have suffered as a result of the veto and on the other hand, the main stock market index of globalized financial markets has been selected to observe, in the period under analysis, the effects of the event and the relationship they show between financial markets. Conclusions: of the relationships shown between American companies, suppliers of Huawei, significant relationships have been observed with each other, except with Qualcomm. And on the other hand, the relationship of effect on the relationship that exists in the response that the markets have given in the period of the event under analysis has been observed, appreciating the decrease in the respective quotes.


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How to Cite
Ordinola Valdez, A. C. L. (2019). The impact of the United States veto to Huawei on Wall Street. Economía & Negocios, 1(1), 7–12.
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