Effects of COVID-19 on income and determination of social gaps in Tacna

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Irene Limache Ortiz


The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of COVID-19 on the average income contribution of  workers in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors in the Tacna region and its effect on social polarization, as well as to establish the impact of COVID-19 on the propensity to save on a monthly basis. The type of  research was descriptive, the measurement instrument used was the questionnaire, through the application  of the survey. It was determined that the average economic income was determined that amounted to -55.6 %, -50.0 % and -85.0 % for the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors respectively, as well as the marginal  propensity to save decreased by -73.4% due to COVID-19 in the Tacna region. The decline in the average  income of workers leads to a decrease in consumption, which in turn generates economic depression that  initially leads to a recession. According to the dynamics of the flow of money that the state deploys, there is a  high probability that inflation will be triggered.


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How to Cite
Limache Ortiz, I. (2020). Effects of COVID-19 on income and determination of social gaps in Tacna. Economía & Negocios, 2(2), 63–73. https://doi.org/10.33326/27086062.2020.2.971
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