Sociodemographic factors and level of knowledge associated with the use of emergency contraception pills

María Angela Velarde Cárdenas, Elena Cachicatari Vargas, Natanael Luis Imaña Morales, Katty Giovana Mendoza Mamani


Determinants of specialty choice by medical students from Tacna

Anthony Velarde-Quispe, Yudith Calahuille-Aycachi Calahuille-Aycachi, Eduardo Bolivar-Vargas, Lisset Aduviri-Albarracín, Diana Huanco Apaza


Incidence and complications of the twin newborn

Victor Apaza Maquera, Manuel Ticona Rendón, Diana Huanco Apaza


Diálisis peritoneal

Caleb Alexander Herrera Chambilla, Juan Carlos Arratia Taquila
