You can see the entire evaluation methodology at the following link: EVALUATION METHODOLOGY

Contribution application

All authors must comply with the sending of the signed forms:



Assessment system – Peer review

Economía & Negocios (ISSN-L 2708-6062) applies a double-blind peer review, arranged by the Editorial Board, by virtue of which author and reviewer do not know each other's identities, for the purpose of achieving an unbiased valuation of the article. . The research articles are evaluated by two reviewers, one national and one foreign, external to the publishing institution, who are selected according to their expertise on the subject, proven through their publications and academic level.

The substantiated rating of the reviewers can conclude in:

  1. Acceptable for publication without modification
  2. Acceptable for publication with minor comments
  3. Acceptable for publication with major comments
  4. Unacceptable for publication

For original articles, reviewers may suggest that the article be published as a short original.

Based on the observations of the reviewers, the Editorial Board will decide whether to approve the article for publication, not to approve it, or to send comments to the author.

If the opinions of the reviewers -differ on non-structural or non-essential aspects of the article, the executive editor, if he/she had sufficient elements to assess the academic merit of the article, article, it will adopt the corresponding decision, guided by the most solid and well-founded opinion.

If the reviewers' opinions differ on structural or essential aspects of the article, and it is not possible to reconcile them, the executive editor will determine whether to ask one of the reviewers to make precisions or further developments, eventually bringing to your attention the arguments of the other, who however should not be identified.

If this request for clarification or further development is not possible, or if the responses to it do not make up the difference, the executive editor will call on a different reviewer if not have sufficient elements to assess the academic merit of the article.


Minimum evaluation characteristics

For the evaluation of the contributions submitted to the Economía & Businesses (ISSN-L 2708-6062) will take into account the minimum requirements that will be rigorously reviewed for acceptance:

  1. Accuracy in the presentation of the article referring to the formal rules of publication.
  2. It will be governed by the criteria that guarantee quality in the research and standards that are required for the indexing of the journal.
  3. The document must be unpublished and authorially original.