Academic search engines

Google Schoolar

Google database that functions as a search engine. This orders academic documents according to their impact.

Crossref is an official registration agency of identifiers of digital objects of the International Doi Foundation

Dialnet is a platform designed by the Dialnet Foundation and publishes the scientific production of different Ibero -American universities.

Evaluation system

DOAJ is an online directory that Indhors and provides access to arbitrated magazines and recognized academic quality with content published in open access.

Latindex is the product of the cooperation of a network of institutions that work in a coordinated manner to gather and disseminate bibliographic information about the scientific publications produced in the region. Currently, economy and business is found in its v2.0 catalog.

ICI Journal Master List is a database of international indexation of scientific journals that has been evaluating periodic publications sent for almost 20 years. The condition for indexation in its database is to pass a positive multidimensional evaluation that is based on more than 100 criteria.

Database published by the EBSCO Information Services company.

Class is a bibliographic database created in 1975 at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). The magazines included in class meet selection criteria and are analyzed by a multidisciplinary team.

Erih Plus (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences) is a European Index of Academic Magazines of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Amelica is a communication infrastructure for academic publication and open science, sustained cooperatively and focused on a non -profit publication model to preserve the academic and open nature of scientific communication.

The Ibero -American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge (REDIB) is a platform for aggregation of scientific and academic content in electronic format produced in the Ibero -American field.

Directories and summaries

Sherpa/Romeo is a database that collects editorial permits of scientific journals in terms of open access and dissemination in open access. It is a very useful tool to determine what we can do with the published works, if we can self -arrange them, how and where.

Latinrev is the cooperative network of magazines and associations of academic magazines of the field of social sciences and the humanities created at the request of the State area and public policies.


MIAR (Information matrix for magazine analysis) is a system to quantitatively measure the visibility of periodicals in social sciences and humanities based on their presence in different types of databases.

ROAD is a Goap complement (Global Open Access Portal), developed by UNESCO. This portal presents the status of scientific information in open access (free and free) worldwide.