Editorial Guidelines

The journal Economía & Negocios (ISSN-L 2708-6062) is a semi-annual academic journal of continuous publication, in digital format, with free and open access, of a scientific nature. It discloses works of scientific production, the result of research carried out by local, national and international academics, in the field of Economics and Business Sciences, mainly in Economics, Finance and Business Administration.

The articles that are published by the journal are unpublished or previously available in preprint repositories, and must not be in the process of applying to another journal at the time of submission. They are subjected to anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin) and a double-blind external peer review evaluation process.

You can consult the GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS and the TEMPLATE for submitting articles.

You can watch the following instructional video:

Types of manuscripts

The types of manuscript of a scientific nature are:

a) Original article: They are research results that develop a topic of interest for the magazine with solidity, originality, topicality and opportunity;
b) Review article: The reviews will be carried out by experts in the area. The Editorial Board can make invitations for its writing. They must include an exhaustive, objective and systematized exploration of current information on a certain topic of interest in the field of Economics and Business Sciences, mainly in Economics, Finance and Business Administration.
c) Scientific Essay It is a relatively brief writing, dedicated to a specific subject that implies its deepening, discernment, and synthesis, where the author expresses his idea or point of view, based on previously collected and presented objective information.


The manuscripts of the authors who apply to the journal must be unpublished manuscripts or previously available in preprint repositories.


The magazine publishes articles in Spanish and English.


Papers must be sent in a text file with the extension DOC or DOCX (MS Word), font Times New Roman 12, without restrictions (fully editable). The tables and figures that accompany the text, if applicable, must be delivered in an editable format, not in image format. Images or photographs must be submitted in a minimum resolution of 300 dpi in JPG files.

Submission of manuscripts*

The submission of the contribution will be made through the journal's portal: http://revistas.unjbg.edu.pe/index.php/eyn
In the event of any inconvenience, you can contact the journal's institutional email: economia.negocios@unjbg.edu.pe
Printed papers will not be accepted or processed.

The reception of articles for review and probable publication is available continuously, that is, the reception of manuscripts is not suspended in any period for any reason.

Structure of contributions

The article must have a minimum of five thousand (5,000) words and must not exceed, in any case, eight thousand (8,000) words.

Original scientific article structure

Title: It must essentially contain the problem that is raised, be clear and precise. A maximum of 20 words is recommended, it must be centered and in 14 points.

Título: It is the title correctly translated into Spanish.

Author(s): If the work has been carried out as a team, the first author should be the one who had the greatest responsibility in carrying out the work. Each of the authors of the article must submit the following information:

-Full name.

-Affiliation, city and country.

-Institutional email

-ORCID address


Affiliation: Name of the institution where the study was carried out (in general, it coincides with the place of work of the authors), city, country, email. Two affiliations should not be placed per author (a), unless both institutions contributed to the study. In the case of students, the institution where they graduated or where they are studying at that time must be noted. In the case of retired people, the institution where they worked is entered. Academic affiliation structures are two or three hierarchical levels in descending order, such as: university-faculty-department, university-research institute.

Example: Jorge Basadre Grohmann National University, Faculty of Legal and Business Sciences, Professional School of Commercial Engineering, Tacna, Peru.

ORCID code of each author: It is a persistent digital identifier, which distinguishes each researcher and through integration into key research workflows (such as manuscript submissions and grants) accepts automated links between professional activities, guaranteeing that the work of the researcher is internationally recognized. You can create it at the following link: https://orcid.org/register

Abstract: Includes justification of the topic, objectives, methodology, important results and conclusions. It will have a minimum length of 200 and a maximum of 250 words. It must be written in an impersonal way "This research analyzes..."

Keywords: A maximum of 3 to 5 keywords of the main aspects covered in the article are included, separated by commas and arranged alphabetically. Keywords must be classified according to the codes found in the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification system, for which they must access the following electronic address: https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit /jelCodes.php.

Abstract: Abstract in Spanish, with the same length and structure as the abstract in English.

Keywords: Keywords correctly translated into English.

JEL CODE: Indicate 3 codes from the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL).

Introduction: The problem is exposed, what is known about it is reported, a pertinent bibliographic review will be made, the general objective, main purpose and the hypothesis (if any) are discussed.

Material and methods: Description of the human, physical, financial, and administrative technical resources used. And according to the approach, describe the type and/or design, as well as the method used to carry out the investigation. It must also include the study population and sample, variables, operationalization, data collection techniques and instruments, validation and reliability of the instruments.

Results: Said presentation must have a logical and ordered sequence using illustrative materials (figures and tables). Maximum 6 figures and 6 tables. It is recommended to make an explicit analysis after the table or figure. They should limit themselves to describing the findings themselves, avoiding advancing interpretations or comparisons. It is written in the past tense.

Discussion: In this part the author will be able to compare, discuss, argue his results with those of other authors. Take into account that the results are exposed and not recapitulated. Starting points will originate from this discussion

Conclusions: They must be written clearly and precisely and contain a direct answer to the research question, implications with other research by other authors or their own, and future lines of research.

References: Only the references used by the author in carrying out the research and that are mentioned in the writing of the scientific article should appear. A minimum of 35 bibliographical references are requested. Consider that if there are 35 citations in the article, there must also be 35 references. The citation and bibliography style will be in APA 7 (latest version). An important indication to take into account is that at least 80% of the bibliographic references must be scientific articles published in scientific journals indexed in Scielo, Scopus or Wos, and at least 50% from the last 5 years. Minimize as much as possible the use of books, theses and/or web pages.

Review article structure

Review articles have the same structure as original articles, only that the "Results" and "Discussion" sections go together.

A review article requires a minimum of 50 references.

Essay structure

The reviews will be carried out by experts in the area. They must include an exhaustive, objective and systematized exploration of current information on a specific topic of interest in economics and business, with the following structure:

-Unstructured summary
-Body of the article
-Bibliographic references


Tipo de autor

Citación narrativa

Citación parentética

Un autor

López González (2019)

(López González, 2019)

Dos autores

Rodríguez y Sánchez (2013)

(Rodríguez y Sánchez, 2013)

Tres o más autores

Barton et al. (2016)

(Barton et al., 2016)

Autor corporativo con abreviación

Primera cita (definir abreviación)


Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS, 2015)


(Organización Mundial de la Salud [OMS], 2015)

Siguientes citas

OMS (2015)

(OMS, 2015)

Autor corporativo sin abreviación

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (2018)

(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2018)




Apellido, A. A., Apellido, B. B. y Apellido, C. C. (Fecha). Título del artículo. Nombre de la revista en cursiva, volumen en cursiva(número), pp-pp. URL/DOI (si aplica)

Abdulquadri, A. O. y Dixon-Ogbechi, B. (2022). Effects of e-marketing on customers patronage of commercial banks, a study of Guaranty Trust Holding Company PLC, Lagos. Economía & Negocios4(2), 3–18. https://doi.org/10.33326/27086062.2022.2.1356


Apellido, A. A. (Año). Título en cursiva (edición). Editorial (si aplica). URL/DOI

Ramírez Osorio, L. S. y López Gil, K. S. (2018) Orientar la escritura a través del currículo en la universidad. Sello Editorial Javeriano. https://doi.org/10.1037/0000168-000

Nota: Si el libro tiene más de una edición, se debe indicar el número abreviado. Por ejemplo: (2.ª ed.)


Apellido, A. A., y Apellido, B. B. (Año). Título del capítulo o la entrada. En A. A. Apellido. (Ed.), Título del libro (pp. ## - ##). Editorial.

Barton, D. y Hamilton, M. (2004). La literacidad entendida como práctica social. En V. Zavala, M. Niño-Murcia y P. Ames. (Eds.). Escritura y sociedad. Nuevas perspectivas teóricas y etnográficas (pp. 109-139). Red para el desarrollo de las ciencias sociales en el Perú.


En línea:

Apellido, A. A. (Fecha). Título del artículo. Nombre del periódico. URL

Varea, R. (2019, junio 7). Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, la huella de Colombia en la región. El País. https://elpais.com/sociedad/2019/06/03/actualidad/1559522175_313057.html


Nombre de la organización. (Año). Título del informe (Número de la publicación). URL

Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social. (2016). Política de Atención Integral en Salud. https://www.minsalud.gov.co/sites/rid/Lists/BibliotecaDigital/RIDE/DE/modelo-pais2016.pdf


Apellido, A. y Apellido, B. (Fecha). Título de la ponencia [tipo de contribución]. Título del simposio o congreso, Ciudad, País. URL

Cuevas, M.C. (2019, del 1 al 2 de octubre). Conexión moral en la intimidación escolar [conferencia]. IV Simposio Internacional sobre Acoso Escolar (bullying). Desafíos contemporáneos en torno a la convivencia en la escuela, Medellín, Colombia. https://sitios.ces.edu.co/simposiobullying/index.php


Publicada en una base de datos en línea:

Apellido, A. (Año). Título de la tesis [Tesis de pregrado, maestría o doctoral, nombre de institución que otorga el título]. Nombre de la base de datos. URL

Kogan Cogan, L. (2014). La insoportable proximidad de lo material: Cuerpos e identidades [Tesis de doctorado, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú] Dissertations & Theses A&I. https://bdbib.javerianacali.edu.co:2519/docview/2398211090/61EA0F09B31D47A2PQ/5? accountid=13250

Publicada en línea (no en una base de datos):

Apellido, A. (Año). Título de la tesis [Tesis de pregrado, maestría o doctoral, nombre de institución que otorga el título]. Archivo digital. URL

Muñoz-Sánchez, H. (2018). Hacerse hombre. La construcción de masculinidades desde las subjetividades: un análisis a través de relatos de vida de hombres colombianos [Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Complutense de Madrid]. Archivo digital. https://eprints.ucm.es/28063/


Apellido, A. (Fecha). Título. Nombre del sitio web. URL

Organización Mundial de la Salud [OMS]. (2017, 1 de abril). Malnutrición. https://www.who.int/es/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/malnutrition

Nota: Si el artículo no tiene un autor individual, el nombre del sitio pasa al lugar de autor y no tiene que repetirse, como en este ejemplo de la OMS.



Nombre de la ley. (Fecha). Fuente. Número de sección o artículo. URL

Ley 1090 de 2006. (2006, 6 de septiembre). Congreso de la República. Diario oficial No 46.383. http://www.secretariasenado.gov.co/senado/basedoc/ley_1090_2006.html

Nota: El término “fuente” hace alusión a la entidad o estamento que promulga la ley.

Tratados y convenciones internacionales:

Nombre del tratado o convención, fecha, URL

Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, 16 de diciembre, 1966, https://www.ohchr.org/SP/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CESCR.aspx

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, November 20, 1989, https://www.ohchr.org/en/professionalinterest/pages/crc.aspx