Effects and economic perspectives of the presence of COVID-19 in the Tacna region

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Edwin Ismael Palza Chambe


The declaration of the global pandemic due to the presence of the so-called COVID-19 has generated a series of changes and impacts on the normal development of the different territorial spaces, among them the Tacna region. Since the first case appeared in Peru (on March 6, 2020), a series of steps have been taken to mitigate the level of infection in the country, including compulsory confinement and border closures. The warning and, at certain times, the collapse of the health system had an impact on morbidity and mortality in the region, but there were also other effects directly related to the economy and production. These are evaluated in national terms, but not in terms of a review of specific regional behaviors. The analysis identifies that the collection of internal taxes for the period from January to August 2020 has been reduced by 22.98% (but 24.21 % in real terms), which, based on the analysis, would imply a contraction in the GDPfor the same year in the order of 22.44 % and an increase in the unemployment rate of 32.06 %.


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How to Cite
Palza Chambe, E. I. (2020). Effects and economic perspectives of the presence of COVID-19 in the Tacna region. Economía & Negocios, 2(2), 03–13. https://doi.org/10.33326/27086062.2020.2.966
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