Consideraciones para la atención odontológica durante la pandemia de la COVID-19

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Aarón Josué Ramos Ramos
Isabel Del Rosario Ayca Castro
Wender Williams Condori Quispe


The pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has proven to be easily transmitted, from carrier patients to clinically healthy patients, where the main route of infection is direct contact. Having knowledge of this information and considering that the dental profession was already one of those with the highest risk of exposure to contagions, COVID-19 has increased, in the dental area, that occupational risk much more. For this reason, it is that if the use of biosafety measures was an essential requirement for dental care, it is of much greater importance to reinforce biosafety knowledge; likewise, make a correct assessment of the patient, in terms of symptoms, in order to make a correct diagnosis and allow the dentist to proceed with the choice of dental treatments. For the preparation of this article, a search was carried out for information related to dental care in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic; giving greater emphasis to prevention measures to avoid the spread of COVID-19, dental emergencies, and the electivity of dental treatments. Concluding that to avoid the spread of COVID-19 the main protection barrier is the proper use of biosafety measures, taking a correct anamnesis of the patient to proceed with the assessment and depending on the result proceed with the best treatment option, considering that in the current COVID-19 pandemic, care is recommended for dental emergencies.


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How to Cite
Ramos Ramos, A. J., Ayca Castro, I. D. R., & Condori Quispe, W. W. (2022). Consideraciones para la atención odontológica durante la pandemia de la COVID-19. Revista Odontológica Basadrina, 6(1), 47–62.
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