Combined retinal detachment of tractional-regmatogen: a case report

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Diego José Mamani Maquera
Gerson Saul Mita Ticona
Nahuel Pantoja Dávalos


Introduction: Tractional-regmatogen combined retinal detachment occurs when traction from an adjacent area of fibrovascular proliferation causes retinal rupture. Clinical case: A 56-year-old male patient was admitted with decreased visual acuity in OD, associated with myodesopsias, metamorphopsias and photopsias. The evaluation found a visual acuity of perception of hand movement at 10 cm in OD; anterior segment biomicroscopy with slit lamp showed an opacity of crystalline C2 P2 and an intraocular pressure of 10 mmHg. Optical funduscopy found an optic nerve with nasal neovascularization, decreased macular brightness, with zones of fibrovascular proliferation around the 4 vascular arcades, Detachment of the traction and regmatogen retina with 1 peripheral tear between hours 11 and 12. The ultrasound showed an ocular globe with preserved contours, with traction zones, undulating membrane compatible with retinal detachment. Conclusion: An immediate surgical therapeutic behavior was adopted (facoemulsification + intraocular lens implant + vitrectomy + endolaser + silicone oil placement in OD) for the resolution of the case.


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How to Cite
Mamani Maquera, D. J., Mita Ticona, G. S., & Pantoja Dávalos, N. (2021). Combined retinal detachment of tractional-regmatogen: a case report. Revista Médica Basadrina, 15(2), 57–61.
Reporte de caso
Author Biographies

Diego José Mamani Maquera, . Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín

Médico Residente del Servicio de Oftalmología. Hospital Nacional Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo - EsSalud. Arequipa, Perú.

Gerson Saul Mita Ticona, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín

Médico Residente del Servicio de Oftalmología. Hospital Nacional Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo - EsSalud. Arequipa, Perú.

Nahuel Pantoja Dávalos, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Médico Asistente del Servicio de Oftalmología. Hospital Nacional Carlos Alberto Seguín Escobedo - EsSalud. Arequipa, Perú


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