Plagiarism as conduct that violents professional ethics and infringes copyright

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Jesús Atahuasi Chaparro


The present research work was aimed at establishing the need for remedial actions in relation to the incidence of academic misconduct that constitutes an infringement of professional ethics and copyright in the process of initial and continuing university education. In order to do so, we proceeded to carry out a state of the question by performing a content analysis of studies from national and international sources. Through this methodology it is possible to evaluate the levels reached by the proposed problem in users of a study sample, in this case teachers and students of both sexes of the CIMA Latin American University of the city of Tacna, observed during the 2017 and 2018 academic periods, were considered. Conclusions suggest that plagiarism is a behavior that violates the professional ethics of the teacher, since it damages the cognitive dimensions: critical thinking; the personal-social dimension: prestige and self-esteem; and the dimension: values of honesty, integrity and respect for ideas as the intellectual production of the other.


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How to Cite
Atahuasi Chaparro, J. (2021). Plagiarism as conduct that violents professional ethics and infringes copyright. La Vida & La Historia, 8(1), 69–78.
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