Nutritional status of new students of human medicine career from a Peruvian public university before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Alejandro Javier Mamani-Barrueta
Regis André Ticona-Vidal
Luis Fernando Maquera-Quispe
Larissa Xiomara Huiza-Cutipa


Objective: To compare the nutritional status of new students of human medicine career at a Peruvian public university, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods: Observational, analytical, and cross-sectional study, carried out on 84 new students of the human medicine career at the Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohmann of Tacna, during 2019-2020 (before the pandemic) and 2021 (during the pandemic). Health tests (BMI, hemoglobin, glucose, cholesterol) taken on an empty stomach at the start of the race were reviewed, and an anonymous and virtual questionnaire was also applied, prior informed consent with socioeconomic information, sedentary lifestyle, and academic preparation. Frequencies, Chi-square statistics with value p < 0.05, and STATA version 16 software were used. Results: Most of the new students come from public schools and come from Tacna. Those admitted during the pandemic presented: overweight (21.4 %), obesity (14.3 %), anemia (2.4 %), high cholesterol limit (16.7 %); in patients admitted before the pandemic: overweight (40.5 %), obesity (14.3 %), anemia (16.7 %), prediabetes (2.4 %), borderline high cholesterol (9.5 %); only association was found with anemia (p = 0.026). The sedentary lifestyle of the student and the level of education of the parents were not associated with nutritional status. The preparation time was greater than two years for new students during the pandemic (p = 0.007). Conclusion: No differences were found between the nutritional status of new students before or during the pandemic, except for greater anemia in new students before the pandemic.


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How to Cite
Mamani-Barrueta, A. J., Ticona-Vidal, R. A., Maquera-Quispe, L. F., & Huiza-Cutipa, L. X. (2022). Nutritional status of new students of human medicine career from a Peruvian public university before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Revista Médica Basadrina, 16(1), 43–52.
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