Risk behaviors and sexually transmitted infections in women of childbearing age

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Evelyn L. Malca Herrera
Juan José Changlio Roas


Objective: To assess risk behaviours and sexually transmitted infections in women of childbearing age in two primary care facilities in Tacna, Peru. Material and methods: Non-experimental, cross-sectional study of 177 women of childbearing age attended at La Esperanza and San Francisco health centers, randomly selected to whom a questionnaire to measure sexually transmitted infections developed by the Ministry of Health (MINSA) of Peru was applied, with informed consent. Comparative tables are presented, the Chi-squared statistic was used for the analysis. Results: They are risk behaviors to get sexually transmitted infections, the number of sexual partners, have intercourse with a partner who has had several sexual partners (p<0.05). Of the total number of women of childbearing age with vaginal discharge syndrome (48.59 %), 64.29 % belong to the San Francisco Health Center and 34.41 % to La Esperanza Health Center. A significant difference was found between the risk behaviors of women in both health centers (p<0.05). Conclusion: Risk behaviours and sexually transmitted infections in women of childbearing age in two primary care facilities in Tacna are different.


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How to Cite
Malca Herrera, E. L., & Changlio Roas, J. J. (2021). Risk behaviors and sexually transmitted infections in women of childbearing age. Revista Médica Basadrina, 15(3), 11–18. https://doi.org/10.33326/26176068.2021.3.1155
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Author Biographies

Evelyn L. Malca Herrera, Red de Salud Tacna. Gerente del CLAS 5 y 6 La Yarada. Tacna, Perú

Obstetra. Magister en Salud Pública

Juan José Changlio Roas, Región de Salud de Tacna. Director Ejecutivo de Medicamentos. Tacna, Perú.

Químico Farmacéutico. Doctor en Epidemiología.


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