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kely paola suricallo menendez
Marco Abad Mendoza-Atahuachi
Nathalie Fabiana Valderrama-Maquera
Nayely Alejandra Yucra-Ayma
Gina Milagros Arocutipa-Phatti Arocutipa-Phatti
Andrea Alejandra Velásquez Gómez


Research on alternative means for Azotobacter isolation is crucial to optimize the efficiency of these biofertilizers. Innovative region-specific methods can help isolate Azotobacter strains more adaptable to local conditions, increasing agricultural productivity and contributing to environmental sustainability and ecosystem resilience. The general objective of the research was to determine alternative means for the isolation of Azotobacter native to the Calana district.


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suricallo menendez, kely paola, Mendoza-Atahuachi, M. A., Valderrama-Maquera, N. F., Yucra-Ayma, N. A., Arocutipa-Phatti, G. M. A.-P., & Velásquez Gómez, A. A. (2023). a ALTERNATIVE MEANS FOR THE ISOLATION OF AZOTOBACTER NATIVE TO THE DISTRICT OF CALANA, 2024: ALTERNATIVE MEANS FOR THE ISOLATION OF AZOTOBACTER NATIVE TO THE DISTRICT OF CALANA, 2024. Revista Ciencias Biológicas Y Ambientales, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.33326/29585309.2023.1.2003


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