Biodegradation of cyanide contained in the leachate of a gold ore

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Daladier Castillo Cotrina
Milena Carpio Mamani


The biodegradation of cyanide compounds that occur in effluents from mineral leaching plants for the recovery of gold is a current biological treatment that is allowing ecosystems to not continue to be contaminated with cyanide discharges, and also the environments that are already contaminated are recovered with the application of cyanide-degrading microorganisms. The objective of this work was to evaluate native Pseudomonas fluorescens as a degrader of cyanide present in leachates under laboratory conditions, for which it was isolated from a gold ore leachate and inoculated in three aerated bioreactors with cyanide leachate of gold ore that had 250 ppm of free cyanide, and an inoculum of 1.75x108 cells/ml in a first bioreactor, 8.75x107 cells/ml in a second, and 5.4x106 cells/ml in a third bioreactor, which were incubated at room temperature for 168 hours. The evaluation of the free cyanide contained in the bioreactors, every 24 hours by means of the titrimetric method, allowed establishing that P. fluorescens with 1.75x108 cells/ml degraded 246.25 ppm (98.5%) of the total free cyanide; with 8.75x107 cells/ml, 240 ppm (96%); and with 5.47x106 cells/ml, 237.5 ppm (95%). These results show that P. fluorescens has great potential for further study with the purpose of using it in the bioremediation of ecosystems contaminated with cyanide leachate or for the treatment of cyanide effluents.


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Castillo Cotrina, D. ., & Carpio Mamani, M. (2022). Biodegradation of cyanide contained in the leachate of a gold ore. Revista Ciencias Biológicas Y Ambientales, 1(1).


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