Influence of Arsenopyrite pulp density on the kinetics of leaching microbial biomass

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Daladier Castillo Cotrina
Roberto Castellanos Cabrera
Anacelly Valera López
Jhonny Paredes Escobar
Jose Sandoval Niebles
Karen Villanueva Centeno


The bioleaching of minerals for the recovery of metals is a technology with great application, profitability, low cost and friendly to ecosystems. In this process, the leaching microorganisms that are catalysts of the process are influenced by biological, physical, and chemical factors typical of their environment. One of these factors is the pulp density of the ore to be leached; Therefore, in this work, the objective was to determine the influence of the arsenopyrite pulp density on the maximum biomass, maximum biomass productivity and specific growth rate of A. ferrooxidans alone and in consortium with A. thiooxidans. The experimental treatments considered in duplicate were discontinuous liquid cultures, one with A. ferrooxidans and the other with A. ferrooxidans and A. thiooxidans, both in 9K medium with arsenopyrite at 8 and 10%, all incubated at 26 °C with aeration for 288 hours. Cell counts were made in a Neubauer chamber, taking samples every 48 hours from each culture. The data was processed in the Excel program that allowed obtaining the curves and polynomial equations of the biomass production; likewise the values of the kinetic parameters of the microbial growth curve in which the maximum biomass and productivity in the pure culture was inversely proportional to the pulp density, but directly proportional for the consortium; and that the growth rate in the pure culture was directly proportional to the pulp density but inversely proportional for the consortium.


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Castillo Cotrina, D. ., Castellanos Cabrera, R. ., Valera López, A. ., Paredes Escobar, J. ., Sandoval Niebles, J. ., & Villanueva Centeno, K. . (2022). Influence of Arsenopyrite pulp density on the kinetics of leaching microbial biomass. Revista Ciencias Biológicas Y Ambientales, 1(1), 62–73.


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