Efecto promotor del crecimiento de plántulas de Capsicum annuum “PÁPRIKA” por bacterias diazotróficas nativas aisladas del suelo de cultivo de olivo de la Yarada-Tacna

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Jhon Albert Centeno Torres


Nineteen native diazotrophic bacterial strains obtained from microbiology laboratory strain collection of the CITE-agroindustrial of Tacna isolated from the soil of olive cultivation were evaluated. These strains were reactivated in mineral medium without nitrogen until a biomass of approximately 108 microorganisms/mL. The seeds were sown in bags containing sterile peat, 3 bags per treatment were taken, the cultures of the 19 strains were inoculated in a volume of 10 mL and of the mineral medium without sterile nitrogen, Azotolam (commercial inoculant) and propagules of mycorrhizae were considered us control treatments. After 60 days of cultivation, plant height (cm), aerial dry biomass (g) and root dry biomass (g) were measured. The results were evaluated by analysis of variance and mean differences with DUNCAN. It was found that the Azotobacter vinelandii strain produces a promoting effect on root and aerial growth compared to the control without inoculum. The strain of Novosphingobium sp. it was among the best that produced better plant growth both in aerial dry biomass and plant height. Therefore, both strains can be considered as sustainable alternatives for application in crop fields as inoculants that improve the growth of plants.


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How to Cite
Centeno Torres, J. A. (2022). Efecto promotor del crecimiento de plántulas de Capsicum annuum “PÁPRIKA” por bacterias diazotróficas nativas aisladas del suelo de cultivo de olivo de la Yarada-Tacna. Revista Ciencias Biológicas Y Ambientales, 1(1), 03–14. https://doi.org/10.33326/29585309.2022.1.1583


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