Chewing pattern according to the Functional Angle of Planas and the Christensen and Radue Functional Test in children
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The objective of this article was to establish the concordance of the chewing pattern according to the masticatory functional angle of Planas and the Christensen and Radue masticatory functional test in students aged 3-6 years of the Kindergarten 229-A Mafalda Céspedes Quelopana of Tacna, 2019. The study methodology was comparative descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective. The study population consisted of 56 students. For this purpose, two data collection sheets were prepared: "Observation Guide for the Masticatory Functional Angle of Planas" and "Observation Guide for the Masticatory Functional Test of Christensen and Radue". In the results with the masticatory functional angle of planes in women, right unilateral mastication was found with 41.94 %. The results with the Christensen and Radue masticatory functional test, in men, show left unilateral mastication with 52 %. Conclusion: There is no concordance of the masticatory pattern according to the functional masticatory angle of Planas and the functional masticatory test of Christensen and Radue, and the Cohen’s Kappa convergence index is insignificant (K = 0.122).
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